中国历史文化名城之一的景德镇,地处江西东北部的浙、赣、皖三省交界处,历史悠久,为全国四大名镇之一,是享誉世界的千年“瓷都”,向以盛产陶瓷而著称于世,明清之际,景德镇一直是全国的瓷业中心,当年就是制造皇宫用瓷的御窑厂也集中在此设立。 中国英文叫做“China”,殊不知,这个得名竟与景德镇有着密切的关系。可以这样说,洋人是先认识陶瓷继而才认识中国的。“瓷器艺术”堪称为中国文化宝库中的瑰宝。
Jingdezhen, one of the famous historical ancient city in China, is located in the northeastern part of Jiangxi Province, at the junction of Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Anhui Provinces. Long hailed as the “capital of porcelain,” since the ancient time, Jingdezhen is listed as one of the Four Great Towns of ancient China. During the Ming and Qing Dynasty, Jingdezhen was the national pottery manufacturing centre. At that time, officials were assigned by the emperor to the town to supervise the manufacturing of porcelain for the royal families, and Jingde china began to make its fame abroad.