浙江省西北部的安吉,境内群峦叠嶂,山清水秀,景色宜人,是新崛起的生态旅游区,享有“中华竹都”的美誉。安吉生态环境优越,旅游资源十分丰富。在安吉竹子博览园,人们可以了解历史悠久的竹文化,中南百草园是安吉生态的缩影,这个天然的绿色大氧吧如今已发展成为长三角地区最大的新型旅游休闲观光园林之一;此外还有浙江省最大的瀑布群——藏龙百瀑、以及享有“江南第一山”美誉的莫干山, 吸引了络绎不绝的中外游客流连忘返。
Located on the northwestern part of Zhejiang Province, Anji is a county in the prefecture-level city of Huzhou. The country has been designated a pilot county for ecological tourism. Renowned as “Chinese bamboo township” or China’s home of bamboo, Anji is abundant with tourism resources and also enjoys whole so me ecological environment. Known as the first great mountain in Southern China, Mt. Moganshan is another highlighted attraction in Zhejiang Province.