英国是个美丽的国家,文物古迹比比皆是,自然风景秀丽可餐,而散落于英伦各地的中古时期的乡间小镇,且释放着无与伦比的魅力,小镇,没有高楼大厦,没有太多的喧嚣,有的是古色古香的老屋,房前屋后栽满色彩艳丽的花卉。人们待人友善,悠闲安宁,好一份惬意,仿佛进入了人类本应该生存的世界里,这里的一切都是那么的悠然自得…… 到处都充满浓郁的英伦风情。
巴斯阳光小镇 —— 古罗马浴场《世界遗产》
温德米尔小镇 —— 湖区风光
伍德斯克小镇 —— 丘吉尔庄园
索尔兹伯里小镇 —— 巨石阵《世界遗产》
England is a beautiful country and home to ubiquitous cultural relics and beautiful natural sceneries. But the small town of Middle and ancient times in the countryside, exudes the incomparable glamour. The small town only has the antique old room with colorful flowers, instead of the lofty highrising and too much noisiness. People seem to live in a more harmonious world, everything here is full of British cultures and customs.
Bath, sunny town—Roman Baths
Windermere Town—Lake Scenery
Woodstock Town—Churchill Manor
Salisbury Town—Stonehenge